Stay updated on everchanging Turkish economy
Within the scope of subscription, our daily newsletters are sent to subscribers via e-mail;
The Morning Briefing - Our daily independent research newsletter provides detailed analysis on all indicators of Turkish economy in the most accurate manner. Our goal is also to share the most comprehensive information on the effects of politic and geopolitic risks and developments on macroeconomic analysis and financial indicators.
Macro Flash -Our newsletter on the flash macro developments in Turkey provides comprehensive analysis of key data such as inflation, MPC decisions and growth within one hour following the release time.
Our services
The Morning Briefing: Our daily newsletter includes analyses of market, political and geo-political developments in Turkey. We provide our detailed analyses on the up-to-date indicators of Turkish economy. We also provide the most comprehensive analyses on the political and geo-political developments in Turkey.
Macro Flash:Our newsletter on the flash macro developments in Turkey provides comprehensive analysis of key data such as inflation, MPC decisions and growth within one hour following the release time.
Ad-Hoc Research: We provide research services and prepare special reports to domestic and foreign real sector companies, financial institutions, economic media and NGOs in the desired areas related to the economy and financial markets.
Out-Sourcing: We help organizations considering outsourcing their research business.
Participation in Events: We participate as speakers in events organized by all institutions in different fields. We also prepare professional presentations for speakers.
Economics-Finance Consultancy for Turkish entities: We provide professional consultancy services to holdings, finance and non-financial companies in the field of economy-finance in the desired scope and conditions. This service can include regular information reports as well as visits at the desired intensity.
Independent Board Membership for Turkish entities: In addition, it can contribute to the boards of directors of companies as an independent member or in other ways.
Written-Visual Media: We provide professional or complimentary services to national and foreign broadcasting companies, news agencies (Bloomberg-Reuters-AA Finans) and TV-Radio broadcasters, as broadcast guests and statements.
Social Media: We provide brief information about the daily newsletter via a special Twitter and Linkedin account.
The global economy and markets, Turkey's economy, the functioning of institutions such as the Central Bank and Treasury are giving training to better understanding.
Training Cooperation for Turkish entities: Trainings can be organized by our company or under the umbrella of other institutions. We can also design special trainings for interested institutions.
Central Banking: We inform individual and institutional investors about the decision-making processes, money market operations and communication policies of central banks such as the CBRT and the FED-ECB.
Politics-Economy Relations: We provide comprehensive information on the effects of politics on macroeconomic analysis and financial indicators, including geopolitical risks.
Sample Publications
In this section, you can find sample newsletters published for your reference.
About us
Haluk Bürümcekçi
He was born in Istanbul in 1966.
After his BS in ITU Mechanical Engineering, he graduated from Istanbul University Institute of Business Administration MBA program and Marmara University Master's Program in Banking.
He started his banking career in October 1989 and worked as Chief Economist in the Treasury departments of various private banks. In the meantime, he worked as a columnist for Referans Newspaper throughout his publishing life. He was also managed Presidency of the Banks Association of Turkey Economy Working Group and become a member of TUSIAD Business Cycle Assessment Working Group.
After 27 years of professional working life, he established the independent research and consultancy company Bürümcekçi Research and Consultancy at the beginning of 2016.
His evaluations on macroeconomics and markets are now included in the periodical bulletins prepared by his company.
He works with many leading institutions and companies from finance and non-financial sectors through newsletter subscription and / or other requested services. He also advises two major portfolio companies and a leading securities company.
Our References